home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #! /bin/sh
- #
- #
- ############################################################
- # Error checking
- #
- if [ ! -d SCCS ] ; then
- mkdir SCCS
- fi
- logfile=/tmp/rcs2sccs_$$_log
- rm -f $logfile
- tmpfile=/tmp/rcs2sccs_$$_tmp
- rm -f $tmpfile
- emptyfile=/tmp/rcs2sccs_$$_empty
- echo -n "" > $emptyfile
- initialfile=/tmp/rcs2sccs_$$_init
- echo "Initial revision" > $initialfile
- sedfile=/tmp/rcs2sccs_$$_sed
- rm -f $sedfile
- revfile=/tmp/rcs2sccs_$$_rev
- rm -f $revfile
- commentfile=/tmp/rcs2sccs_$$_comment
- rm -f $commentfile
- # create the sed script
- cat > $sedfile << EOF
- s,;Id;,%Z%%M% %I% %E%,g
- s,;SunId;,%Z%%M% %I% %E%,g
- s,;RCSfile;,%M%,g
- s,;Revision;,%I%,g
- s,;Date;,%E%,g
- s,;Id:.*;,%Z%%M% %I% %E%,g
- s,;SunId:.*;,%Z%%M% %I% %E%,g
- s,;RCSfile:.*;,%M%,g
- s,;Revision:.*;,%I%,g
- s,;Date:.*;,%E%,g
- sed -e 's/;/\\$/g' $sedfile > $tmpfile
- cp $tmpfile $sedfile
- ############################################################
- # Loop over every RCS file in RCS dir
- #
- for vfile in *,v; do
- # get rid of the ",v" at the end of the name
- file=`echo $vfile | sed -e 's/,v$//'`
- # work on each rev of that file in ascending order
- firsttime=1
- rlog $file | grep "^revision [0-9][0-9]*\." | awk '{print $2}' | sed -e 's/\./ /g' | sort -n -u +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 | sed -e 's/ /./g' > $revfile
- for rev in `cat $revfile`; do
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo ERROR - revision
- exit
- fi
- # get file into current dir and get stats
- date=`rlog -r$rev $file | grep "^date: " | awk '{print $2; exit}' | sed -e 's/^19//'`
- time=`rlog -r$rev $file | grep "^date: " | awk '{print $3; exit}' | sed -e 's/;//'`
- author=`rlog -r$rev $file | grep "^date: " | awk '{print $5; exit}' | sed -e 's/;//'`
- date="$date $time"
- echo ""
- rlog -r$rev $file | sed -e '/^branches: /d' -e '1,/^date: /d' -e '/^===========/d' -e 's/$/\\/' | awk '{if ((total += length($0) + 1) < 510) print $0}' > $commentfile
- echo "==> file $file, rev=$rev, date=$date, author=$author"
- rm -f $file
- co -r$rev $file >> $logfile 2>&1
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo ERROR - co
- exit
- fi
- echo checked out of RCS
- # add SCCS keywords in place of RCS keywords
- sed -f $sedfile $file > $tmpfile
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo ERROR - sed
- exit
- fi
- echo performed keyword substitutions
- rm -f $file
- cp $tmpfile $file
- # check file into SCCS
- if [ "$firsttime" = "1" ]; then
- firsttime=0
- echo about to do sccs admin
- echo sccs admin -n -i$file $file < $commentfile
- sccs admin -n -i$file $file < $commentfile >> $logfile 2>&1
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo ERROR - sccs admin
- exit
- fi
- echo initial rev checked into SCCS
- else
- case $rev in
- *.*.*.*)
- brev=`echo $rev | sed -e 's/\.[0-9]*$//'`
- sccs admin -fb $file 2>>$logfile
- echo sccs get -e -p -r$brev $file
- sccs get -e -p -r$brev $file >/dev/null 2>>$logfile
- ;;
- *)
- echo sccs get -e -p $file
- sccs get -e -p $file >/dev/null 2>> $logfile
- ;;
- esac
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo ERROR - sccs get
- exit
- fi
- sccs delta $file < $commentfile >> $logfile 2>&1
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo ERROR - sccs delta -r$rev $file
- exit
- fi
- echo checked into SCCS
- fi
- sed -e "s;^d D $rev ../../.. ..:..:.. [^ ][^ ]*;d D $rev $date $author;" SCCS/s.$file > $tmpfile
- rm -f SCCS/s.$file
- cp $tmpfile SCCS/s.$file
- chmod 444 SCCS/s.$file
- sccs admin -z $file
- if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo ERROR - sccs admin -z
- exit
- fi
- done
- rm -f $file
- done
- ############################################################
- # Clean up
- #
- echo cleaning up...
- rm -f $tmpfile $emptyfile $initialfile $sedfile $commentfile
- echo ===================================================
- echo " Conversion Completed Successfully"
- echo ===================================================
- rm -f *,v